Please mark your calendar and join us for the Mid-Year Conference being held on Saturday, November 5 at Flagship Enterprise Center, 2705 Enterprise Drive, in Anderson from 9 am – 4 pm. This event is designed to help you re-charge, touch base, learn more and connect with new and old Rotary friends. I look forward to seeing you on November 5 as we celebrate our accomplishments and spread the good work that we do as a part of Rotary Serving Humanity!

Why should you attend?

  • You will be stimulated by an outstanding keynote speaker as Kurt Andre joins us from Washington DC and leads us through one of today’s hottest topics: Engaging Today: Millennials in Transformative Leadership through Rotary
  • You may participate in grants training seminar, which is required of all clubs who may wish to apply for district and global grants for the 2017-18 Rotary year.
  • You will have the opportunity to visit with Immediate Past District Governor Mark Blade, as he will present service awards to those who contributed to a successful 2015-2016 Rotary year.
  • You will have incredible opportunity to engage with fellow Rotarians during breakout sessions focused on public relations, communications and membership development, as well as a club presidents’ roundtable.
  • You will have fun!