Mark J. Blade, District Governor
RI District 6560, 2015-2016
Rotary Club of Indianapolis

mark-bladeMark became a Rotarian in 1990 as a member of the Rotary Club of Terre Haute South. In 2003, with a change in employment, he became a member of the Rotary Club of Indianapolis. He was drawn to Rotary by the passion of service that he saw in Rotarians for international Group Study Exchange programs, as well as community service projects. Mark immediately recognized the positive difference he could make in his local community and around the world, serving others.

Mark served as a club president in Terre Haute in 1995-96, and in Indianapolis in 2010-11. He served as chair of the membership committee, a member of the community service and foundation committees, the fundraising committee for the Gleaners Food Bank, as well as a member of the strategic planning committee. Mark served as an Assistant District Governor for two years. He also served on the district strategic planning committee and as treasurer for the district conference planning committee for PDG Nancy Madru. Mark is a Paul Harris Fellow.

Mark is a business development representative for a highway construction company in Indianapolis. Mark has been married to Vickie, a speech pathologist in the public schools, for 37 years. They have four children, Marcus, Yolanda, Stephanie and Mark Jr. They are the proud grandparents of six boys. Mark has also served as a county councilman and state senator. Mark and Vickie are very active in their church where he serves as pastor and Vickie as a Sunday School superintendent and outreach volunteer in prison ministry.

Mark is a Rotarian “because of my love for mankind and because I passionately believe that it is my purpose in life to make a positive impact upon the lives of other people. Leaving foot prints in the sands of time is the legacy of Rotary and more importantly for me as a Rotarian.”