Dear Rotary District 6560:

I’m excited to announce that District 6560’s request to join the 2017 Land of Lincoln President Elect Training Seminar (LOL PETS) has been accepted! Our application was approved by the Land of Lincoln Directors during their May 15, 2016 annual meeting. We are joining over 100 President Elects from Districts 6490, 6510 and 6580 for LOL PETS at the Thelma Keller Convention Center in Effingham, IL on March 18-19, 2017.

Attending Land of Lincoln PETS provides each President Elect with an opportunity to develop needed skills, knowledge and motivation to lead a successful Rotary club. 2017 LOL PETS will enhance your leadership ability and embolden achievement toward a successful year as your Rotary Club President. The program focuses on building relationships and sharing ideas between clubs through active breakout and plenary sessions. You will not be disappointed by this outstanding networking, learning and sharing opportunity.

Our entire district leadership team is motivated to support your club by providing training that empowers Rotarians to have a meaningful impact in our local community and our world. Leading a successful Rotary Club as President requires dedication and a passion for making a difference! Please mark your calendars now and plan to join the experience next March for LOL PETS. Additional information about LOL PETS is available at and will continue to be updated. You will receive instruction about registration and program details later this year. PDG Tom Branum Jr. was correct when he said Rotary is “better together!”

Please contact me with any questions and thank you for inspiring Service Above Self!

One IN Rotary,
Bryce Adam, DGE
317.509.2151 | @oneINrotary
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